Now...there is much to catch up on.
The last several weeks have been very eventful. Just last week, I passed through the fires of Arabic midterms, although the jury is still out on how scorched I am from the exams as I haven't gotten my grades back yet. I've bashfully performed an Arabic dialog with my friend Stephanie in front of my class, filling the gaps in my Arabic knowledge with the appropriate amount of dramatic performance, not too unlike a high school presentation (I'm talking to you Senora Obando). And without a doubt my favorite part of the last few weeks, I have gotten to travel. In fact, this last weekend is the first weekend in four weeks that I have spend in the city of Amman. I am sure that many of you are rolling your eyes. "Baxter, you've already traveled to Jordan, what more could you want?" Let's be honest: I am a greedy traveler. Many people, if not most, say that they like to travel. However, to differentiate, I have an insatiable hunger for travel. As long as there is a place that I have not been (yet), I want to travel. Herein, my time in the Middle East has been good to me. I have had the chance to take nice weekend trips, to both the beach in Aqaba and the mountains of the Dana Nature Preserve. And I have the fullest intentions of relaying my experiences at these places, especially the camping that I did in Dana, one of my favorite places on earth. More recently, though, my roommate Sean and I had the opportunity to travel to a place unlike any other. For last weekend, we took an excursion to the United Arab Emirates to visit the city of Dubai.
About four weeks ago, Sean approached me about taking a trip to the Arabian Peninsula, possibly Oman or the UAE. At the time, I disregarded this suggestion, as I didn't have a particular interest to travel to that region of the Middle East. As time passed however, Sean's idea continued to eat at me, until one day I broke down and purchased a ticket to Dubai. Surprised by my impulsive decision, Sean also purchased a ticket and plans were made to spend my 21st birthday weekend in Dubai. Many days and adventures in Amman passed. And, last Thursday, October 28th, Sean and I packed our bags, boarded a plane, and prepared to hold on to our wallets as tightly as we could. However, this notion of living frugally for the weekend did not come to fruition, as will be seen.
Attempting to describe Dubai is a rather difficult task. As Sean said after about 24 hours in the city, "Dubai is the place that Walt Disney would have created, if he had no monetary limits and lacked his love of children." Prior to visiting Dubai, I was, of course, aware of the many impressive buildings and other feats of architecture present in the city. Actually experiencing Dubai was a completely different matter altogether. I feel as though the word "small" or the phrase "low-key" does not exist anywhere in Dubai. Everything in the city, from the buildings to the roadways, the restaurants to their menus, to the price of anything one would want to buy, was designed in an attempt to add to the collective notion of extravagance.
All of this being said: what did Sean and I actually do?
Friday morning, Sean and I woke up after a longer than expected flight and a very strange experience at an Iran nightclub (yes, those in fact do exist...if you ever happen to chance upon one, do NOT eat the fruit-plate) and asked ourselves that same question. So what did we decided to do? Go skiing, of course. And let's be clear, that's snow the desert. Not strange enough? What if I told you that it was inside of a shopping mall? That's right...Sean and I payed an equivalent to about $60, and were given skis/snowboard, ski pants and jacket, 2 hours on the slopes, and bragging rights. While the slopes may have been small, as we eventually timed ourselves at 6 minutes a run (including lift-ride time), the quality of the skiing, the snow, and runs was excellent! No snow-machines were blowing, as one would expect. Apparently, the snow is manufactured every night and maintained throughout the day at 30 degrees Fahrenheit, in what is essentially a massive freezer. Everything about the experience was authentic... My nose, ears, and hands froze, as we were not given a toboggan or gloves (my extra socks were eventually converted to mittens). Sean and I enjoyed lunch at the "ski lodge" and took the time to let ourselves thaw. And on my second to last run, my jacket was filled with freezing snow when I wiped out, just as it would at any "normal" ski slope. Unstrapping my boots as our 2 hour lift pass drew to a close, I was both completely satisfied and thoroughly impressed with Ski Dubai. As far as I'm concerned, skiing outside may be overrated.
Following our experience on the manufactured, snow-covered, mountain, Sean and I decided to continue along the nature progression of our day. And what might that be? Why an afternoon trip to the beach, of course. Thus, within one hour, allowing time to return our ski equipment, walk through the Mall of the Emirates (the largest mall in Dubai), and catch a taxi, we had transported ourselves from one very distinct climate to another. Jumeirah Beach was very pleasant and enjoyable. Sorry to report, the beach lacked any artificial enticements, as there were no androids zipping about delivering snow-cones or margaritas, and Dubai has yet to discover how to replicate a beach environment wherein one has no need for sunscreen. But give them time. The hot white sand and warm turquoise water of the Persian Gulf made for a relaxing afternoon. However, to separate this experience from any other beach I have visited, I simply had to take my eyes off of the sailboats and waves and observe the incredible skyline of Dubai which pressed in all around me. Additionally, the outline of the Burj al-Arab loomed several hundred feet down the beach, beckoning to be photographed. By the time Sean and I were finished with our time on Jumeirah Beach, the sun was beginning to set and so we decided it would be best to return to the beach the next day in order to get a closer look of the renowned, sailboat shaped hotel.
After devouring two large pizzas in our hotel room in a futile attempt to keep to our budget, Sean and I suited up and headed out for a night in the city. As impressive as it may be during the daytime, Dubai puts on a new mask as the sun sets, transforming into another spectacle to be at which to be gawked. Every massive skyscraper and feat of architecture has taken its lighting into careful consideration, allowing the city to become a pulsing glow of luxury. Doing our best to dress for the occasion, we made our way to the premium Dubai Marina Club where, after being dropped-off by our taxi at the wrong location (although it happened to be the Marina Club's main house, modeled after the Sydney opera house), Sean and I were shuttled by golf cart to QD's, a creek-front restaurant and hookah lounge. Seated just off the water, Sean and I enjoyed excellent views of the Dubai Creek and the surrounding cityscape while soaking in the cool breezes which the night had to offer. Accompanied by good conversation and wonderful watermelon-mint shisha, I knew in that moment that regardless of how expensive this trip was, I was extremely happy that I decided to come to Dubai.
After a late night out, we decided to sleep-in on Saturday, before heading back out for our last day in Dubai. Upon checking out of our hotel, Sean and I made our way to the first and primary destination of the day, the Burj Khalifa. Formerly known as the Burj Dubai, the Durj Khalifa is the tallest building and man-made structure on planet Earth. Standing at over 2,500 feet and 160 stories, the Burj Khalifa towers above the city of Dubai, as it rightly would tower over any other city in the world. However, the structure is viewed by the citizens of Dubai as "more than just the world's tallest building, Burj Khalifa is an unprecedented example of international cooperation, symbolic beacon of progress, and an emblem of the new, dynamic and prosperous Middle East." And while I may not be able to fully grasp all of those concepts, coming from a different background and perspective, the Burj Khalifa is no less breathtaking. Once I was finally able to move inside from staring at the massive and beautifully designed construction of glass and metal, I was impressed by the actual tour of the building. After a thorough exhibit explaining the construction and vision behind the Burj Khalifa, Sean and I entered one of two elevators leading to the tallest observation deck in the world (as a note of interest, the elevators had only two options when it came to buttons to press: Floor "1" and Floor "143").
In all honesty, after our visit to the Burj Khalifa, combined with the busy day that we had on Friday, Sean and I were rather exhausted. However, we knew that we had more to see in Dubai. Following a quick lunch at the bottom of the Burj, we hopped in a taxi and headed back to Jumeirah Beach. We managed to find a much closer view of the Burj al-Arab and took time to admire the iconic, seven-star hotel. It was indeed remarkable standing next to the distinguished building that I had seen amazing pictures of for several years and which has been used as a cultural beacon of opulence. I was surprised by how close one could actually get to the hotel via public beach access. But I was no less grateful for this opportunity to witness yet another magnificent building. The trip to the Burj al-Arab was much simpler than our visit to the Burj Khalifa, as we merely stood and gazed at the structure, the beach, and the scene as a whole. Yet, this was incredibly relaxing.
After parting ways with the abras on the north side of the creek, Sean and I ventured into the mysterious and fragrant souqs. We wandered through the maze of creek-side shops, avoiding being dragged into small stalls (filled with every nostril-burning spice imaginable) by small, thin men attempting to sell us overpriced hookahs or poorly copied Omega watches. Eventually, Sean found an Iran rug shop, and I got to enjoy watching him barter with the two shopkeepers. They were actually genuinely friendly and gave Sean a good deal, once they figured out that he meant business. I eventually got to do some haggling myself, although not for nearly as noble a cause as an Iran carpet...I just wanted some t-shirts. After an hour or two, wandering amongst the gold, the cardamom, and the replica Polo attire, we found ourselves completely fatigued and knew that it was time to call it quits. We did, however, still have several hours until our flight left for Amman. So, we did what any true Arab male (or American twenty-something, college student) would do: we found a modest hookah bar on the rooftop of a hotel and absorbed our final images of Dubai through the lens of the beautiful night that had risen around us. With shisha in one hand, a cup of shia (tea) in the other, and the lights of the vibrant Emirate city around me, I don't think I could have asked for a better way to end the weekend.
And that my friends was my weekend in Dubai. Yes, it's true that Sean and I both stumbled back into the apartment at about 3 a.m. Sunday morning, following several flight delays, with empty pockets and barren wallets. But please have no doubts, this was an incredible trip, and I honestly don't know if I will ever have the opportunity or will-power to return to Dubai. Hence, I can certainly say that my impulses proved to be beneficial on this occasion, as I am so happy that this trip came together. Dubai is one ridiculous city. And while its furious economic drive may have slowed down some at the moment, the city remains one of the world's most distinguished locations, as both a center of progressive industry and exuberant wealth. And now, I have seen it with my own eyes.
Next up: Ten days exploring, experiencing, and discovering everything that I can in Lebanon. Wish me luck.
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